
암호화 복호화 예제

forever1 2007. 9. 22. 14:10

전에 RC4 스트림 암호화 알고리즘을 사용한 예제를 보고 카피한 간단한 프로그램 입니다.


vc++ 6.0 으로 만들었구요..

win32 용 콘솔 프로그램 입니다.


// DyCryt.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.


#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400

#include <stdio.h>

#include <windows.h>

#include <Wincrypt.h>


#define KEYLENGTH 0x00800000




void HandleError(char *szStr);

bool EncryptFile(char *szSource, char *szDestination, char *szPassword);

bool DecryptFile(char *szSource, char *szDestination, char *szPassword);


int main(int argc, char* argv[])


    //printf("Hello World!\n");

    char szOriginal[256];

    char szCrypted[256];

    char szRescued[256];

    char szPassword[256];

    int nOption = 0;

    int nWorked = 0;



        printf("Choice EnCrypt or DeCrypt or Exit : 0 or 1 or 2\n");



        if(nOption == 0)


            printf("Enter then Source file name: ");

            scanf( "%s", &szOriginal);


            printf("Enter the Target file name: ");



            printf("Enter the password:");

            scanf("%s", &szPassword);


            if(EncryptFile(szOriginal, szCrypted, szPassword))


                printf("Success Encrypt file\n");

                nWorked = 0;



        else if(nOption == 1)


            printf("Enter the Source file name: ");



            printf("Enter the Target file name: ");



            printf("Enter the password:");

            scanf("%s", &szPassword);


            if(DecryptFile(szCrypted, szRescued, szPassword))


                printf("Success Decrypt file\n");

                nWorked = 0;



        else  if(nOption == 2)


            nWorked = 1;





            nWorked = 1;



    return 0;



bool EncryptFile(char *szSource, char *szDestination, char *szPassword)


    FILE *hSource;

    FILE *hDestination;


    HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv;




    PBYTE pbBuffer;

    DWORD dwBlockLen;

    DWORD dwBufferLen;

    DWORD dwCount;


    if(hSource = fopen(szSource, "rb"))


        printf("The source plaintext file, %s, is open.\n", szSource);





        HandleError("Error opening source plaintext file!");




    if(hDestination = fopen(szDestination, "wb"))


        printf("The destination file %s is open.\n", szDestination);




        HandleError("Error opening destination ciphertext file!");



    // Getting the handle of default CSP








        printf("A cryptographic provider has been acquired.\n");




        HandleError("Error during CryptAcquireContext()");



    // Create hash object








        printf("A hash object has been created.\n");




        HandleError("Error durint CryptCreateHash()\n");



    // Hashing password



        (BYTE *)szPassword,




        printf("The password has been added to the hash.\n");




        HandleError("Error durint CryptHashData()\n");











        printf("An encryption key is derived from the password hash.\n");




        HandleError("Error durint CryptDeriveKey()\n");




    hHash = NULL;


    // Now, the session key is ready.

    // Decide size of block

    dwBlockLen = 1000 - 1000 % ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;



        dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen + ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;


        dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen;


    if(pbBuffer = (BYTE *)malloc(dwBufferLen))


        printf("Memory has been allocated for the buffer.\n");




        HandleError("Out of memory.\n");





        dwCount = fread(pbBuffer, 1, dwBlockLen, hSource);




            HandleError("Error reading plaintext!\n");












            HandleError("Error during CryptEncrypt.\n");



        fwrite(pbBuffer, 1, dwCount, hDestination);



            HandleError("Error writing chipertext.\n");











    CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);


     return TRUE;





bool DecryptFile(

                        char *szSource,

                        char *szDestination,

                        char *szPassword)


    FILE *hSource;

    FILE *hDestination;


    HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv;




    PBYTE pbBuffer;

    DWORD dwBlockLen;

    DWORD dwBufferLen;

    DWORD dwCount;


    if(!(hSource = fopen(szSource, "rb")))


        HandleError("Error opening ciphertext file!");



    if(!(hDestination = fopen(szDestination, "wb")))


        HandleError("Error opening plaintext file!");



    if(!CryptAcquireContext(&hCryptProv, NULL, MS_ENHANCED_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0))


        HandleError("Error during CryptAcuireContext()");



    if(!CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash))


        HandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash()");



    if(!CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE *)szPassword, strlen(szPassword), 0))


        HandleError("Error during CryptHashData()");



    if(!CryptDeriveKey(hCryptProv, ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM, hHash, KEYLENGTH, &hKey))


        HandleError("Error during CryptDeriveKey()");




    hHash = NULL;


    dwBlockLen = 1000 - 1000 % ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;

    dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen;


    if(!(pbBuffer = (BYTE *)malloc(dwBufferLen)))


        HandleError("Out of memory.\n");





        dwCount = fread(pbBuffer, 1, dwBlockLen, hSource);




            HandleError("Error reading ciphertext file.\n");



        if(!CryptDecrypt(hKey, 0, feof(hSource), 0, pbBuffer, &dwCount))


            HandleError("Error during CryptDecrypt()\n");



        fwrite(pbBuffer, 1, dwCount, hDestination);



            HandleError("Error writing plaintext file.\n");


    } while(!feof(hSource));








    CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);


    return TRUE;



void HandleError(char *pStr)


    fprintf(stderr, "An error occured in running the program.\n");

    fprintf(stderr, pStr);

    fprintf(stderr, "Error number %X\n", GetLastError());

    fprintf(stderr, "Program terminating.\n");




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