1. 당근이지 You bet./ Absolutely.
리얼버전-> Of Course! I betcha!
2. 너나 잘 해 None of your business. 리얼버전-> seriously, mind your own business! /see where you stick your noses into
3. 뒷북치지마 Thanks for the history lesson. 리얼버전-> that's totally a history / duh~
4. 어제 필름이 끊겼어 I got blacked out yesterday. 리얼버전-> I was trashed, man
5. 그 사람 그거 참 잘~ 됐다(그게당연하다). 쌤통이다 He deserves it. 리얼버전-> totally deserved it / hey he asked for it!
6. 그래 니 팔뚝 (또는 니 X) 굵다 Okay, You are the boss! 리얼버전-> yeah, you rock
7. 죽을만큼 마셔보자 Let's go all the way! 리얼버전-> let's get trashed!
8. 니가 나한테 어떻게 그럴 수 있니? How could you do that to me? 리얼버전-> bitch, (what a bitch~)
9. 놀구 있네~~ 삽질 하네~~ Yeah. Right~ 리얼버전-> looser / duh-head!
10. 거기 물 좋다 That place rocks! That place kicks! 리얼버전-> that place is awesome!
11. (문제의 답 등이) 너무쉽네/애개개 그게다야? That's it? /Is that all? 리얼버전-> it was a breeze, it wasn't a problem
12. 너도 내 입장이 되어봐 Put yourself in my shoes. 리얼버전-> (위의것도훌륭함) try to think of it from my perspective,
13. 음식 잘 먹었습니다. I've never eaten better. 리얼버전-> thanks for the great meal
14. 야, 친구 좋다는 게 뭐야? Come on, what are friends for? 리얼버전-> we are buddies, aren't we?
15. 너무 감격해서 눈물이 난다 .It was so touching, I almost cried. 리얼버전-> that was unbelievable, seriously I was about to cry
16. 미안해 할 것까지는 없어. There's nothing to be sorry about.
리얼버전-> don't worry about it
17. 이보다 더 좋을 순 없다 It couldn't be better than this! 리얼버전-> it deosn't get better than this,
18. 메롱 Neh Neh Neh Boo Boo 리얼버전-> duh, looser,
19. 섭섭(실망)하지않게해드리겠습니다! You won't be disappointed! 리얼버전-> I'll do best not to disappoint you
20. 나를 만만하게 보지마 Don't you think I am that easy. (you에 강세) 리얼버전-> you'll regret this day, and I'll make sure of it
21. 니가 하는 일이 다 그렇지 뭐 That's what you always do.
리얼버전-> yeah, I didn't expect much of you anyway
22. 분위기 파악 좀 해라, 인간아 Consider your surroundings, you fool. 리얼버전-> hey, look around before you say anything stupid,
23. 두고보자. Just wait! I'll get (또는 pay) you back. 리얼버전-> next time, watch your back, I'm gonna get you
24. 이번 한 번만 봐준다 I'm gonna let it slide only this time. 리얼버전-> I'm cutting your slack for the last time
25. 쟤는 어디가도 굶어죽진 않겠다. He will never starve anywhere. 리얼버전-> He won't starve anywhere,
26. 너무많은걸 알려고하면 다쳐 You'll get hurt if you try to know too much. 리얼버전-> what you know might get you, stick your nose out of it
27. 제발 잘난 척 좀 그만해 Stop acting like you're all that. 리얼버전-> stop bragging about it
28. 장난이 좀 심하군 The joke is too harsh. 리얼버전-> that's not funny at all
29. 말장난 그만 합시다. Let's stop playing word games 리얼버전-> enough with the playing with words
30. 내가 만만하게 보여? Do I look like I am easy? 리얼버전-> do I look that easy to you?
31. 몸이 찌뿌둥하다 I feel heavy 리얼버전-> I feel exhausted / totally tired
32. 오해 하지 마세요 Don't get me wrong. 리얼버전-> (don't get me wrong -is fine)
33. 기가막혀 말이 안나오네. It's so outrageous I can't say a word
리얼버전-> I'm absolutely out of my words
34. 니 맘대로 하세요 Suit yourself. 리얼버전-> whatever,
35. 아직 옛날 실력 안 죽었어 I've still got it. (it은 옛날 실력을 의미) 리얼버전-> I haven't lost the game yet
36. 넌 '생활영어' 카테고리의 다른 글