* 속담(俗談) PROVERB
① 털어서 먼지 안 나는 사람 없다. ( 모든 사람은 벽장에 해골 하나쯤은 가지고 있기 마련이다. )
→ Everyone has skeleton in his closet.
② 짚신도 짝이 있다. ( 모든 Jack이 자기 자신의 Jill을 가지고 있다.)
→ Every Jack has his Jill. ( Jack and Jill : 젊은 남녀 [영국 전승 동요에서는 산에 물 길러 가는 사내아이와 계집 아이] )
③ 바늘 도둑이 소도둑 된다. → He that will steal a pin will steal an ox.
④ 호랑이 굴에 가야 호랑이 새끼를 잡는다. ( 아무것도 투자하지 않고는 아무것도 건질 수 없다.)
→ Nothing venture, nothing have [gain].
⑤ 큰바다에 물 한 방울 (바다의 물 한 방울) : 구구일모 ( 九牛一毛 ) → A drop in the bucket. = A drop in the ocean.
801. Money is no object. = Money is not important. = The cost is not an issue.
802. You are coming into focus. = You are starting to shape up.= You are looking for up. 이야기 핵심에 접근하고 있다.
803. The timing stinks. = The time is terrible. 시기가 좋지 않다.
804. Now go down with it. = Let it go. = Let my arm go. 이제 내려놓으세요.
805. John got the sack at the factory last week. = John was fired at the factory last week.
806. He sings a different tune. (= whistle a different tune = sing a new tune. 엉뚱한 소리를 한다.
807. Let's go to lunch. on me. = Lunch is on me. = I'll buy you lunch.
808. Stand in the corner! = You stay after school! (벌 줄 때 쓰는 말)
809. Take your time. = Don't hurry.
810. Chinese new year. = Lunar new year's day.
* 서양에서는 결혼하지 않은 사람들은 반지를 끼지 않는지요? → Yes,
→ 우리처럼 반지 문화가 보편화 되어 있지 않습니다. (졸업, 생일...등등 반지계(契)도
있듯이....우리는 반지를 공동으로 구입할 때도 있죠?) 서양에서는 드문 일입니다.
* 1. This might help. → 이게 도움이 될지도 모르겠어요. → 물론 might 는 (추측)을 나타내는 조동사겠죠.
2. This might work. → 이렇게 하면 혹시 될지 모르겠네요. → 여기서의 work는 작동하다, 효과가 있다. 의 뜻.
3. I'll give it a shot. → 한번 해보겠네. → = I'll try it.
4. Don't even joke about that, Martin. → 그걸 우습게 보지 말게, 마틴.
* fob (fresh off the boat : 배에서 갓 내린 촌뜨기)
:미국에 갓 도착한 이민인 이나 외국인을 경멸조로 부르는 뜻에서 사용하는 슬랭이다.
◈ (joj : just off the jet)
811. This is off limits. = Authorized Personnel only.
812. Taking pictures here is prohibited. = You're not allowed to take the pictures.
813. I'm sorry for the fuss. = I'm sorry for the problem.
814. What do you do for a living? = What are you doing? = What's your job? = What's your occupation?
815. I'll pay whatever it takes. = Price is no problem. = Do whatever it takes, just do it.
816. It was unintentional. = I didn't mean to do so.
817. If it's important to you, it's important to me. = What your important, important to me.
818. I'll take your word for it. = I believe you. = I'll buy it.
819. That's the way to go. = That's the way. = Way to go.
820. It's up to you. = It's own you. = You make the decision. = Your choice.
* Pull up one's socks ! → (양말을 잡아당겨 올리면서...)
= Pull your socks up ! 정신을 바짝 차리고 다시 뭔가를 시작하자! (영) (口) 기운을 내라! 분발해라!
cf> Put a sock in [into] it !→ " 입닥쳐 ! " ( it= mouth ) = Zip your mouth !
* 영어에서는 몸에 걸치는 영어 표현은 모두 같습니다.
ex) May I try [put] this on ? → 이거 한번 입어(신어, 써...)보시겠어요 ?
* " hold one's horses " (뛰는 말을 꽉 잡으니까.....말이 진정하겠죠?) → " 참다, 유유히 기다리다, 진정하다."의 뜻입니다.
821. We have never been to Europe together. 우리는 함께 유럽에 가본 적이 없거든.
→ have been to : ∼에 간(경험)적이 있다.
ex) I have been to Korea three times.
Have you ever been to Korea ? ( 아래 문장과 비교해 보세요.)
cf> Has she gone to Korea ? → 그녀는 한국에 가서 없는가?
822. You're not getting paid that much, Carl. 돈을 그만큼 받지 못할텐데.(약간 비아냥거리는 투)
→ get paid : 급료를 받다.
☞ pay out(로프 따위를)"풀어내다" 경우에만 과거형을 payed로 씀.
823. Wanna call it a night? = Let's call it a day.
824. You deserve it. = That serves you right.
825. We are in the same boat. = We are in the same situation.
826. I got your note. (=memo) = I received your message.
827. He is firing. = He is hot head. 그는 성격이 불같다.
828. What is this place? = Where am I?
829. It's an easy. = It's a piece of cake. = It's all peaches and cream. 식은 죽 먹기다.
830. What do you expect me to do? = Would you tell me what I should do?
* Winnerbago: 여행용 움직이는 자동차를 말합니다.
* Black dog : 우울증 * Hair of the dog * Put on the dog. 허세를 부리다. * Call off the dog. 중단하다.
* Go to the dog. 파멸하다. * Dog day
831. I've had a bad night. → 난 오늘밤 아주 재수가 없었어. ≠ I've had a good[luck] night.
832. I called your number and someone else answered.
당신에게 전화를 했더니 다른 사람이 받더군요. → answer는 "전화를 받다"의 뜻입니다.
833. The paper said that Greg was killed. →신문에서 그레그가 살해됐다는 것을 봤어요.
→ [ say + that절 ] : (신문, 게시, 편지, 책 따위가)....라고 씌어져 있다. 나 있다.
834. What did it sound like ? 어떤 소리가 났는데요?
What does it sound like ? 대답으로는 => that sounds like ~. : ~같은 소리가 들렸는데요.
835. Forget it 잊어버려요. = Don't worry about it. = Don't mind.
836. This is their business. = This is not our business. = It's not your business. = Mind your own business.
837. What are you getting out of this? = What's this doing for you?
= What satisfaction are you getting out of this? : 이렇게 해서 얻은 게 뭐죠?
838. I could say. = I should say so. = That's under estimate. = You could say that again.
839. It doesn't matter. = No sweat. = That doesn't bother me. = No problem. = No big deal. It's okay.
840. He's okay and waiting for you. = He's fine and waiting for you.
* 'blue blood'가 귀족 태생, 상류계급 출신, 명문가문 출신 등을 의미하는 이유는 뭔지요?
= 스페인어에서 유래가 된 것으로 스페인이 한창 귀족 시대일 때, 유태인과 피가 섞이지 않은 순수한 귀족의 손은 노동자나 유태인 등의 검은색의 손과는 대조적으로 하얀색이었다고 합니다. 따라서 핏줄도 붉은색을 나타내기보다는 파란색을 띠었다고 합니다. 마치 귀족들은 파란색의 피를 타고났다고 여겨져서 귀족의 핏빛을 의미하게 되던 것이 점차 귀족 전체를 의미하게 되었죠. 존경 받을 만한 뿌리깊은 가문을 의미하며, 오늘날의 졸부를 의미하지는 않죠.
참고) fresh blood : 어떤 단체에 새로운 사고 방식이나 경험 등을 갖고 새로이 가입한 회원을 의미합니다.
841. I'm through with you. = We are history.
842. I'm dying for hungry. = I'm starved to death.
843. Shake a leg. = Let's dance. ex) Come on now, they're playing your favorite tune. Let's shake a leg.
844. He knows how to look after number one. : 그는 자신을 옹호하는 법을 안다.
* number one : 자기, 나. * number two : 2인칭으로 "너, 당신" * number three : 제 3자
845. They are led by the nose. 그들은 자기 의사에 관계없이 질질 끌려 다녔다.
ex) He was led by his nose by his boss. = He was under his boss's hand.
= He was under his boss's thumb. = He was under the control of his boss.
846. We are not renewing you after this work. = You're fired. = Clean out your desk and get out of here.
847. DON'T BE A LITTER-BUG. = KEEP THE CITY CLEAN : 쓰레기를 버리지 맙시다.
848. Hit the hay. = Go to bed. = Hit the pillow.
849. Do come in. = Come on in. = Come in.
850. What's this got to do with me? = How's this concern me? 이것이 저와 무슨 상관이 있습니까?
* "call a spade a spade"가 왜 "솔직히 말하다."를 뜻하는지요 ?
→ (삽을 삽이라고 하다)-- 사실 그대로 [까놓고] 말하다.
-- 즉, 꾸밈없이 사실 그대로 너무 솔직한 나머지 직선적이고 무뚝뚝한 표현으로 무례한 느낌까지 주기도 합니다.
* busboy : "식당에서 잡일을 하는 사람"
851. Where's this road go? → 이 길을 따라가면 어디가 나오지요 ?
852. The whole building says, ' Go away '. → 빌딩 전체에 '접근 금지'라고 쓰여 있어요.
853. He is quiet like a fish. = He is a calm.
854. That's (pretty much) my feeling on it. = That's (pretty much) my opinion on it. = I almost agree with you.
855. It's nice of you to say so. = Thanks for the compliments. = Thanks for the flattering me.
856. Do you want to go get a beer? = Do you wanna go for a beer? = Would you like some beer?
857. When are you eagle flying? = When is your pay day?
858. Could you move a little closer together? = Get together, move closer.
859. Drop me a line when you get there. = Send me a post card when you get there.
860. What an unexpected surprise! = What a shock!
* ass → 당나귀(donkey) : 속어로 엉덩이, 멍청이란 뜻이 있습니다.
* 당신의 몸매가 좋습니다.
→ Your body line is beautiful. ( X )
→ You have nice(good) figure. ( O )
1. I'm here on business. 난 일 때문에 여기에 온겁니다.
2. I need your help. 난 당신의 도움이 필요해요.
* Break oil ⇒ Break fluid * Mission oil ⇒ Transmission fluid
* Break lining ⇒ Break pads * Handle ⇒ Steering wheel
* 코카콜라의 애칭이 " coke "이고 펩시콜라의 애칭은 " pepsi "입니다.
861. I don't care what that says. = I don't mind what that says.
= I could care less what that says. = It doesn't bother me.
862. I might lose my job. = I might get fired. cf) fire: 사격, 해고 = I might get caned. cf) can: 조동사, 깡통
863. This might help. This might work.
* might 대신에 will, ought to (발음 주의), maybe도 사용 가능
864. Don't even joke about that. = Don't kid. = Don't say thing about that. Sometime, it could be serious.
865. I'll give it a shot. = I'll try it. = Give me chance.
866. I've had a bad night. = I've had a awful night. = I've had a terrible night. = I've had a miserable night.
867. Let me do this. = I'll do this.
868. My voice is scratchy.(목이 쉬어서 바람 새는 소리가 나다) = I'm hoarse.
869. He obeys the speed limit. → 그는 제한 속도를 잘 지켜요.
870. He is a very safe driver. → 그는 운전을 아주 조심스럽게 해요.
* Buddy
옛날 Boy, man 요즘 남녀 구별 없음 의미 : Pal, friend
* Winnerbago : Old, Huge, Big, Long Car and kinds of popular old Car.
Large back seat, Big back trunk, kitchen, bunk, bathroom = Motor Home
* (도로의) 차선은 line을 쓰지 않고 " lane "으로 표현을 합니다.
ex) * a 16-lane high way : 16차선 도로
* a blind lane : 막다른 골목
871. I'm very concerned about what we eat. → 나는 먹는 것에 관심이 많아요.
872. I'm not expecting anyone. → 올 사람이 없는데요.
873. Is someone at your door? → 문에 누가 왔나요 ?
874. I have talent for this kind of work. = I have talent in field.
= I have real talent for this work. = I'm the person for this kind of work. 전 이일에 소질이 있어요.
875. GMP is very is very helpful for English study. "GMP"는 영어 공부에 많은 도움을 줍니다.
= Listening to GMP will help you sharpen your English skill.
= To listen to GMP is very helpful in studying English. = You can improve your English by listening to GMP.
876. What's your favorite radio program? 가장 좋아하는 채널은 무엇 인가요?
877. Turn into KBS FM please. KBS FM으로 다이얼을 맞춰 주세요. = Tune it to KBS FM, please.
= Put on KBS FM, please. = Can you change at KBS FM, please. KBS FM 채널로 돌려주시겠어요 ?
878. What's this for ? = What will you use this for ? 이거 뭐하는데 쓰시게요?
= What's the point of this ? = What's the purpose of this ?
879. I delay to fax some documents to you, please adjust your machine
accordingly. 팩스를 보내려고 하는데 팩스 좀 연결해 주세요.
= I'm faxing some documents over you, please adjust your machine.
= I'm in the process of faxing you some documents.
= I'd like to send a fax over you, please adjust your machine.
880. She sounded great on the phone 그녀는 전화 목소리가 상당히 괜찮더군요.
= She sounded great over the phone. = She has a wonderful phone voice.
881. You're off the project. 당신은 프로젝트에서 제외됐어요.
882. I'm taking a short cut. 난 지름길로 갈께요.
883. 내게 그런 핑계 좀 대지 마세요. Don't make any excuses [to me]. = Don't make such excuses.
= No excuse is good excuse. = Stop making excuses.
884. 입장을 바꿔서 생각해 보세요. Put yourself in my place. Put yourself in my shoes.
885. Speak of the devil. = Well, Look who's here. = We're just talking about you. 호랑이도 제 말하면 온다.
886. Please, swallow your pride. = Please, let go off your pride. = Please, lower your pride. 자존심은 접어 두세요.
887. Lean on me when you're not strong. 너가 약해질 때 나에게 기대세요.
888. We all need somebody lean on. 우리는 누군가에게 기댈 필요가 있어요.
889. I know it, it's on the tip of my tongue. = I know it I just can't think of it right now.
= It's not coming to mind hold on a second. 알긴 아는데 잘 생각이 나질 않는군요.
890. She has a good(photographic) memory. 그녀는 기억력이 정말 좋아요.
* 요일의 유래
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