
컨벤션 관련 영어 모음

forever1 2007. 10. 19. 14:52


1. Rules of Procedure: 의사규칙
2. Plenary Session: 본회의
3. Committe of the Whole : 회의참가국 대표로 구성되는 전체위원회
4. Committee: 제한된 참가자로 구성되는 각 분과위원회
5. Flag Raising Ceremony: 국기게양식
6. Opening Ceremony: 개회식
7. Closing Ceremony: 폐회식
8. Working Group: 실무단
9. Drafting Committee: 기초위원회
10. Presiding Officers: 의장단
11. Procedural functions: 절차적 기능
12. Substantive functions: 본질적 기능
13. Provisional Rules of Procedure: 잠정 의사규칙
14. Procedural Motion: 절차적 동의
15. Motion: 동의
16. Proposal: 제안
17. 동의 및 제안
- Motion is made by a Member: 1대표에의 의한 동의
- It is Seconded by Another: 타대표에의 의한 재청
- The Chair States the question on the motion: 의장의 동의선언
18. Suspention: 정회
19. Adjournment: 휴회
20. Right of Reply: 답변권
21. Decision-Making Procedure: 의결절차
22. Communique: 공동성명
23. Resolution: 결의안
24. Preambular Part: 전문
25. Operative Part: 실행부분
26. Draft Resolution: 결의안 초안
- 단독제안
Text Suggested by the delegation of A. or
Draft Resolution Proposed by the delegation of A
27. Co-Sponsors: 공동 제안자
28. Supporting Introductory Statement: 공동제안국이 지지하는
제안 설명
29. Amendment: 수정안
30. Sub-Amendment: 재수정안
31. Separate Vote: 분리투표
32. Motion for division; 분리동의
33. Explanation of Vote: 투표 설명
34. System of Weighed Vote: 비례투표제도
35. Quorum Requirements: 의사진행 정족수
36. Majority Requirement: 의사결정 정족수
37. Simple Majority; 단순과반수
38. Present and Voting: 출석하여 투표한
39. Two-thirds Majority: 2/3 다수결
40. Unanimity: 만장일치
41. Veto Power: 거부권
42. Vote by a show of hands; 거수에 의한 투표
- All those in favor of the Proposal Contained in document XX will raise their hands.
43. Vote by standing: 기립에 의한 투표
44. Roll-call Vote, Record Vote: 호명 또는 기록투표
45. Explanation of Vote: 투표설명
46. Vote by secret ballot: 비밀투표
47. Teller: 계표원
48. Postal Ballot: 우편투표
49. Process of Consensus: 합의 과정
50. Verbatim Record: 속기사가 기술한 내용을 수록한 것
51. Rapporteur: 서기
52. Provisional Version: 잠정적 기록
53. Correction: 교정
54. Revision: 수정
55. Corrigendum: 수락된 정정내용이 회의문서로서 배포되는 것
56. Report: 회의보고서
56. Final Act / Protocol: 최종의정서
57. 회의보고서 결론 표현
- the Committee agreed that.....
- the Confernce Concluded that.....
- many Members agreed that......
- there was a fairly general Consencus that.....
- Several Members believed that.....

**** 국제회의 발언 예문 ****

1. 동의와 관련된 예문

(1) Main Motion

0 대표 A
- I move that...
- I move the adoption of the following resolution.

0 의장
- The resolution offered by Mr. A is as follows. Is there a second to the motion?

0 대표 B
- I second the motion

0 의장
- It is moved and seconded.
- Since there is no second, the motion is not before this meeting.

(2) Adjournment
- I move to adjourn.
- I move to adjourn at 4 p.m. Tuesday.
- I move to adjourn sine die.

(3) Adoption
- I move that the report be adopted.
- I move the adoption of the resolution submitted by the committee.

(4) Amendment
- I move to amend by inserting the word A before the word B.
- I move to amend by striking out the second paragraph.
- I move to amend by adding....
- I move to amend by striking out word A and inserting the word B.
- I move to substitute for the pending resolution the following resolution.
- I move to amend the pending amendment by.....
- In accordance with notice given, I move to amend Special Rule of Order No. 5 by....

(5) Vote
- I move that the vote be counted.
- I move the vote on the pending question be taken by ballot.
- I move that draft resolution be put to vote.
- I call for a separate vote on the third paragraph.
- I move that the vote on the question be taken by rising and be counted.

(6) Appeal
- I appeal for the decision of the Chair.
- I had no intention of challenging the Chairman's ruling, but wished to appeal to the logic and common sense of the committee.

(7) Debate
- I move that debate be Limited to one speech of three minutes for each member.
- I move that the time for consideration of the pending resolution by extended for 20 minutes.

(8) Consider, Refer, Commit
- I move that the question be considered informally.
- I move that the resolution be considered by paragraph.
- I move that the motion be referred to the committee.
- I move that a committee be appointed to conduct a survey relating to....
- I move to refer the motion to the Program Committee.

(9) Minutes
- I move that the minutes be approval as read.
- I move that the minutes be approved as cirrected.
- I move that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with.

- I move that the resolution be postponed indefinitely.
- I move to postpone the question to the next meeting.

(11) Withdrawal
- I move that I(my delegation)be permitted to withdraw the motion.

2. 지명(Nominations)과 선거(Elections)에 관련된 예문

가. 대표 A 또는 지명위원회 위원장
- I nominate Mr.B.
- The Nominating Committee submits the following nominations: For president, Mr.B; for Vice-President, Mr. C...

나. 의장
- Mr. B is nominated. Are there any futher nominations?
- If not, nominations are closed.
- As many as are in favor of Mr.B for President say aye. Those opposed say no. The ayes have it and Mr.B is elected President.
- Are there any objections? I see none. Mr B is elected President. May I extend my congratulations to Mr. B ans ask him to take the chair.

3. Point of Order

가. 대표A
- Point of order.
- I rise to a point of order.

나. 의장
- State your point of order.

다. 대표A
- I am very grateful to you for accepting my request, to be allowed to speak on a point of order.
- The motion just proposed is out of order because there is already a main motion before the assembly.

라. 의장
- Your Point is well thaken. The motion last proposed is out of order.
- My. A raises a point of order that the amendment is not germane to the resolution. The Chair is doubt and submits the question to the assembly. The question is, "Is the amendment germane to the resolution?"

4. 답변권
- I had not intended to speak, but the delegation A in its statement made two comments which my delegation cannot overlook.

5. 투표 찬성발언.
- During the debate on the question in the conference at its 5th session, my delegation voted in favour of.... accordinf to the principle of universality.

6. 반대발언
- I want briefly to explain the vote of my delegation. We voted against the proposal. The reason is that asla principle we....

7. 기권발언
- ....... For these reasons, we have decided to abstain.

8. Members: 회원국( 경우에 따라 준회원 또는 찬조회원 포함)

9. Observers; 비회원국 대표, 여타 국제기구 대표, 기타 민간단체 또는 개인

10. Head of Delegation, Chief Delegate, Chief Representative: 수석대표

11.Alternate Delegate: 교체대표

12. Associate Delegate: 준대표

13. Adviser; 자문관

14. Expert: 전문가

15. Full Powers: 전권위임장

국제회의 영어 수준은 최소한 제책에 나와있는 준비계획서(영어로 되어있음)정도는 스스로 작성할 수 있어야 됩니다.
그 내용은 세계적인 석학이며 국제기구의 사무총장과 함께 작성한 것입니다. 이 책의 하이라이트도 그부분이며 이책의 가치를 알려면 최소한 5년이상 이분야에서 일해야 할 것입니다.

국제회의 영어예문중 신임장과 합의서 예문을 추가하여 알려드립니다.

Ministry of.......Republic of Korea(중앙)

Seoul, July 18,2002(오른쪽)


I have the honour to inform you that following persons have been appointed to represent the Government of th Republic of Korea at the Conference on the Relationship the Paris and the Vienna Conventions to be held on 23 July 2002 in Vienna,

Delegate :Mr.xxx
the Embassy in Austria

Alternate : Mr. GGG
Assistant Director
Adviser : Mr.RRR
직책, 소속

Assept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration


Director General
Vienna, Austria

2. 한국에서 세미나를 개최코자 하였을 때 국제기구(가칭 WWW)가 한국에 요구하는 합의서 주요내용
....I(WWW) wish to propose that the following terms shall apply to the Seminar:
(i) the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations shall be applicable in respect of the Seminar. The participants invited by WWW shall enjoy the priviledges and immunities accorded to exports on mission for the United Nations by Article vi of the Convention. Officials of the United Nations participating in or performing functions in connexion with the Seminar shall enjoy the priviledges and immunities provided under Articles v and vii of the Convention. Officials of the specialozed agencies participating in the Seminar shall be accorded the privileges and immunities provided under Articles vi and viii of the Convention on the Privilileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies,

(ii) without prejudice to the provisions of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, all Participants and persons performing functions in connection with the Seminar shall enjoy such privileges and immunities, facilities and courtesies as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Seminar,

(iii) personnel provided by the Government pursuant to this Agreement shall enjoy immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and any act performed by them in their official capacity in connection with the Seminar,

(b) All Participants and all persons performing functions in connection with the Semminar shall have the right of unimpeded entry into and exit from the Republic of Korea. Visas and entry permits, where required, shall be granted free of charge. When applications are made four weeks before the opening of the Seminar, visas shall be granted not later than two weeks before the opening of the Seminal. If the application is made less than four weeks before the opening, visas shall be granted as speedily as possible and not later than three days before the opening;

(c) it is further understood that your Government will be responsible for desling with any action, claim or other demand against the United Nations or WWW arising out of
(i) injury or damage to person or property in conference or office premises provided for the Seminar;
(ii) the transportation provided by your Government; and
(iii) the employment for the Seminar of personnel provided and arranged by your Government; and your Government shall hold the United Nation, WWW and their personnel harmless in respect of any such action, claim or other demand......




English as an Official Language of Meetings

II. Meetings

1. The Need for Meetings

Why has the number of meetings held every year grown so dramatically in recent decades? The simplest explanation is that technology has made the world we live in a much more complicated place than it was 30 years ago. As a result, there is a much greater need for communication in the business world. Companies must keep up-to-date with the latest technological advances if they are to remain competitive. Salespeople must be aware of new products coming onto the market. Technicians, scientists, and members of the medical profession need to learn about new discoveries and techniques in their respective fields on a regular basis. Employees must be trained to operate sophisticated new machinery.
Face-to-face meetings have proved to be the most effective way of sharing information and knowledge. In addition, they present a valuable opportunity to exchange viewpoints, resolve problems, and discuss matters of mutual concern.

2. Kinds of Meetings

"Meeting" is a generic term applicable to an assembly of people for any purpose. However, it usually connotes a small, private business affair. The term "conclave" is sometimes used to describe a secret or very private meeting. When the purpose is training, a "seminar," "clinic," or "workshop" might be held -all of which are focused on education. When people want to get away from their normal environments to hold a special meeting, they might go on a "retreat".
"Conferences" are assemblies for the purpose of conferring and discussion, and should be small enough to facilitate interaction, whereas "conventions" are generally large assemblies of people from associations, political parties, clubs or religious groups. Often convention delegates must go through a screening process. Academics often attend a "symposium" or "forum" at which speakers present papers for discussion. In Europe the term "congress" is generally used instead of convention, although it typically connotes and international meeting.

There are, however, several different classifications used in the meetings field. The classification used depends on the number of participants, the kinds of discussions and presentations involved, the amount of audience participation, and whether the meeting is formal or informal.

① one type of meeting is called a convention. Conventions typically involve a general group session hel in a large auditorium, followed by committee meetings in small breakout rooms. (The term breakout is used when a large group "breaks out" into several smaller groups.) Most conventions are often held regularly (usually annually) and meet for a minimum of three days. Trade and technical conventions are often held in conjunction with exhibitions. Attendance varies from 100 participants to 30,000 or more.

② Conferences are similar to conventions, but they usually deal with specific problems or developments rather than wit matters of a general nature. The American Medical Associations, for example, might call a conference to discuss a breakthrough in the treatment of a particular disease. Conferences involve much member participation. Attendance varies, though it is rarely as high as at conventions.
Congresses are similar to conferences. The term is commonly used in Europe to describe international gatherings.

③ A forum involves back-and-forth discussion on a particular issue. It is usually led by panelists or presenters. Audience participation is expected and encouraged.
A symposium is similar to a forum, though it tends to be more formal and involves less audience participation.
Lectures are even more formal. An individual expert addresses the audience from a platform. The presentation is sometimes followed by a question-and-answer period. Attendance at forums, symposiums, and lectures varies greatly.

④ Seminars are informal meetings involving face-to-face discussion. Participants share their knowledge and experiences in a particular field under the supervision of a discussion leader.
Workshops are small group sessions (usually a maximum of 35 participants) held for a period of intense study or training. The emphasis is on exchanging ideas and demonstrating skills and techniques.
Clinics offer drills and instruction in specific skills for small groups. An airline reservations agent, for example, might attend a clinic to learn how to operate a computer reservations system. Many people attend clinics when they want to learn a sport, such as golf, or tennis. Both clinics and workshops can last for several days.

⑤ The panel format calls for two or more speakers and a moderator. Panelists present their viewpoints on a particular subject. Panelists present their viewpoints on a particular subject. The meeting is then open for discussion among the speakers and with the audience.

⑥ Exhibitions are used for the display of goods and services by vendors. They are staged as part of a convention or conference. The term exposition is used in Europe to describe this same kind of presentation.

⑦ Trade shows (or trade fairs) feature freestanding vendor displays. Unlike exhibitions, they are not held as part of a convention. Trade shows are typically the largest type of meeting. Attendance at a major show lasting several days can top 500,000.

⑧ Teleconferencing is a way of holding a meeting from several different locations simultaneously. Participants use advanced communications technology that enables hem to see and hear participant at other locations. Teleconferencing is a way of bringing people together without the time and expense of long distance travel. Several hotel chains, convention centers, and conference centers have introduced teleconferencing facilities in response to the growing demand for this means of communication.

3. Functions of Meetings

Meetings serve a valuable function within corporations and associations. The following list delineates just a few of the functions of meetings (Woods and Berger, 1988, pp101-102):

- Generate a spirit of unity and cooperation that contributes to the
formulation of a collective identity;
- Enhance communication by creating a pool of shared knowledge;
- Provide a forum for the generation of new ideas;
- Afford management an opportunity to define and promote the collective aim of the organization;
- Obtain increased commitment to decisions by involving more individuals in the decision-making process; and
- Provide a setting in which company leaders can act like leaders on a very visible level.


Meetings, conventions, and exhibitions generate a tremendous amount of revenue within the hospitality industry. In the 1991 Successful Meetings' Industry Study, the average number of meetings per year that required hotel accommodations was 9.3 for both association and corporate planners (McNabb/DeSoto & Company 1991).

1. Meetings: A meeting is a conference, workshop, seminar, or other event designed to bring people together the purpose of exchanging information.

2. Incentives: Incentive travel programs have become an important segment of the corporate travel market. The terminology of incentive travel is used either only to describe incentive trips that are strictly for pleasure, or those trips that combine business and pleasure. It is, however, universally accepted that incentive travel is used as a motivational reward for top company producers and achievers.

3. Conventions: Conventions were the largest type of meeting booked, with an average of 804 attendees generating an average of 396 hotel rooms used for the convention, exposition. Conventions is a general term to include the educational meetings combining with the exhibitions. The size of conventions varies but it usually attracts large number of attendants of 1,000. In addition to the exhibition, educational programs will be planned and an opportunity to obtain continuing education credits will be given to the attendees. Accreditation of continuing medical education is mandatory for physicians and is usually acquired at these large meetings. This type of convention would be announced only to the membership of the association and would not be of interest to the general public. When meetings are combined with exhibitions, the event is called a convention. (Meetings, Convention, and Expositions)

4. Exhibitions: An exhibition is an event designed to bring together purveyors of products, equipment, and services in an environment in which they can demonstrate their products and services to a group of attendees at a convention or trade show (Rutherford 1990).
A meeting whether it be a trade show or a convention, demands the same skills and knowledge. The difference between a meeting planner and a meeting planner with trade-show experience is that the latter can produce meetings of all sizes, large and small, whereas the former is limited to meetings of small groups. If a group is quite large - a thousand or more people - it will be referred to as a convention. If the convention has an exhibition consisting of merchandise or other items of interest to the group, it will be referred to as a trade show. (The convention and Meeting planner's handbook)

① Fair
The term "festival" is not exactly synonym of fair, Fairs have a long tradition of their own as periodic exhibitions and markets. Although they were often associated with early religious celebrations, and now usually contain entertainment and amusements, fairs have more to do with productivity and business than with themed public celebration.
but as Abrahams (1987) argued, fairs and festivals are like mirror images, and in the modern, urban society they have become almost synonymous because the old ways of production, as celebrated in fairs, have faded.
The most traditional fairs in North America are the numerous county and state fairs held annually on the same site, most of which continue to reflect rural and agricultural themes.
Some are called exhibitions, reflecting their educational orientation. Most fairs are operated by independent boards or agricultural societies, though many have close links with the host municipality. Typical elements of agricultural fairs and exhibitions include agricultural demonstrations and contests sales and trade shows, amusements of all kinds, eating and drinking, parades, and a variety of entertainment. This type of fair is often called a show in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

② Exposition
World's fair has a very specific meaning, derived from an international agreement in 1928 and regulated by the Bureau International des Expositions(BIE) in Paris. BIE sets the policies for bidding on and holding world's fairs, which are often called Expos. Their minimal purpose has always been educational, with particular attention paid to technological progress, but some authors have described them as glorified trade fairs (Benedict, 1983) and political tools. (Hall, 1988)
The term exposition (or expo) is also applied to trade and consumer shows. The International Association for Exposition Management (IAEM 1994) IAEM (1994) estimated there are perhaps 12,000 expositions held annually, but there is no way to verify this figure given the lack of any central registry.
explains that expositions are marketing events, and generally fall into two types. "Trade Shows" are targeted to industries or specific occupations, and are often held at the annual conventions of associations. The public might get access to trade shows, and some incorporate educational components, but mostly they are for exhibits and sales. "Consumer Shows," in contrast, are held for the general public and can cover virtually any topic from traditional automobile shows to alternative lifestyles. The Trade Show Bureau is an organization that conducts research into the trade show industry and disseminates information to those involved in trade show planning. The best source on expos is the Trade Show Bureau (TSB), which has an exposition industry resource center. The TSB estimated that 70 million visitors to expos annually generate some $62.3 billion in impact, not counting some 7 million exhibiting staff. They believed the number of shows and attendance had doubled since 1979 (IAEM, 1994).

IV. Examples

A. Conference
1. International Embryo Transfer Society 26th Annual Conference
- when : January 8-12, 2000
- where : Maastricht, The Netherlands
- Understanding, Preserving and Utilizing the Mammalian Genome; Prospects for the Third Millennium

2. Conference on Aquaculture In The Third Millennium
- when : January 11-17, 2000
- where : Thailand
- The main objective of this Conference is to envision the state of aquaculture in the next millennium and set the agenda for the required action to attain its potential.

3. 11th National Conference
- when : April 10-13, 2003
- where : Charlotte, North Carolina
- The conference will emphasize the need for academic and research librarians to anticipate and prepare for transformations in the profession and will encourage innovative ways to create and implement change.

B. Seminar
1. The National Beef Science Seminar
- when : November 14 -15, 2001
- where : The Lethbridge and District Exhibition Park in the Main Pavilion
- The seminar will provide the beef industry with a unique opportunity to access the most current knowledge and technology available to address emerging issues affecting the beef cattle industry.

2. Seminar on Food Safety And European Standardization
- when : October 10, 2000
- where : Brussels
- Role of European standardization and voluntary instruments for the implementation of food legislation and increasing the competitiveness of food industries in Europe

3. Oregon Outdoor Women Seminar
- when : June 26, 1999
- where : E.E. Wilson Wildlife area in Monmouth, Oregon
- The E.E. Wilson seminar will focus on topics to include survival, basic fishing, shotgun shooting, archery, and turkey hunting, to name a few. In addition to the E.E. Wilson seminar, OOW will offer four basic and eight single focus seminars.

C. Forum
1. Natural gas forum
- when : July 4, 2000
- where : City of Melville Conference Room. 2nd Floor, 10 Almondbury Rd, Ardross
- A public forum will be held in Perth tomorrow, to explain that Western Australians could soon be experiencing relief from fluctuations in fuel prices, through the introduction of Compressed Natural Gas for transport purposes.

2. 46th Annual Air Safety Forum
- when : August 14-17, 2000
- where : Washington, DC
- ALPA's 46th Annual Air Safety Forum was held August 16 and 17 in Washington, DC. ALPA safety volunteers, industry representatives, and government officials participated in the two-day session which included subjects ranging from air rage, runway incursions, and FAA Implementation and Regulation, to wildlife hazards.

3. The Academic Medicine and Managed Care Forum
- when : November 13, 2001
- where : the USA
- The Forum presents a neutral and open opportunity for the exchange of ideas and best practices. This continues to be the most distinctive characteristic of the Forum and perhaps its greatest asset in terms of long-term growth, in addition to the available research funds.

D. Symposium
1. Sociolinguistics Symposium 2000
- when : April 27-29, 2000
- where : University of the West of England (UWE) , Bristol
- This conference will focus primarily on the Interface between Linguistics and Social Theory, and it is hoped the meeting will contribute to further cooperation between the two disciplines.

2. Second International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound
- when : July 29 - August 1, 2002
- where :Washington Athletic Club 6th & Madison Seattle, WA
- All sessions will be plenary. A precis poster session will be held on Tuesday afternoon. A maximum of 25 posters will be accepted.

3. The 2st International Symposium on Obesity and Hypertenison
- when : October, 25-27
- where : Berlin
- As with the 1st International Symposium on Obesity and Hypertenison held in 1999, we once again bring together leading experts from the fields of obesity, hypertension, and related cardiovascular medicine.

E. Congress
1. the 8th Congress of the Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons
- when : April 14-17, 2002
- where : Seoul, Korea
- A group of distinguished faculty in the field of endocrine surgery will share with you their expertise and valuable experiences offering you with an opportunity to enrich your knowledge and understanding in the relevant fields.

2. 1st International Congress of Translation Studies
- when : April 17-19, 2002
- where : Madeira Island / Portugal
- This Congress, jointly organized by the Departments of Modern Languages and Literatures, aims at providing a forum of debate on the current theoretical, practical, and professional trends in the field of Translation Studies / Conference Interpreting.

3. Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy
- when : August 10-15, 1998
- where : Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A
- The Congress will be open to the full diversity that characterizes our discipline across regions and traditions. Many philosophical societies will meet under its aegis, as befits the constitution of FISP, a worldwide federation of societies.

F. Clinic
1. Cross Country Ski Clinic
- when : Jan. 23, 1999
- where : New Germany State Park
- The clinic offers and introductory course in equipment and technique, and weather permitting, will include skiing with an instructor on some of the parks beautiful cross country ski trails.

2. ASU Football Coaching Clinic
- when : April 6-7, 2001
- where : Arizona State University
- This clinic will feature Arizona State University's first-year head coach Dirk Koetter and his entire ASU staff. The featured speaker for the clinic will be Marvin Lewis, the Defensive Coordinator of the Super Bowl champion Baltimore Ravens.

3. the annual USL Professional Referee Clinic
- when : March 11, 2000
- where : DeAnza College in Cupertino.
- The session began with the demanding Cooper physical fitness test. All referees were held to the same physical fitness performance standards as International and National Referees. To successfully meet these standards requires one to prepare and train months beforehand and maintain a peak level of fitness.

G. Workshop
1. Visual Studies Workshop Community Workshops
- when : Four Wednesday Evenings, October 31, November 7, 14, 28
- where : Introduction To Photoshop Geri Mccormick
- This workshop covers the basics of Photoshop which include: scanning, adjusting color and tone, various methods of selecting, retouching images, and image compositing (layers).

2. The Iowa Writers' Workshop
- when : June 4-27
- where : The University of Iowa
- the first creative writing degree program in a U.S. university. The workshop was made possible by the UI's decision early in the 20th century to grant academic thesis credit for creative work in the arts--another first in U.S. higher education. The Writers' Workshop has served as a blueprint for university-based creative writing programs, which have collectively transformed the terrain of American literary life.

3. The Acoustic Blues and Slide Guitar Workshop
- when : June 16-22
- where : Columbia University, NY
- The Acoustic Blues and Slide Guitar Workshop will be an exciting and unique week-long seminar for guitarists who have some experience playing acoustic Blues, but are ready for breakthroughs in developing new sounds and repertoire in their playing.


국제회의/행사를 위해 컨벤션센타와 계약을 체결한 이후 전시 공간이나 연회장소등의 변동이 있을 것을 대비해 계약할 당시 추가로 서명할 조항을 별도로 마련하는 것
AD HOC COMMITTEE 전시물반입 이전에 주문된 물품이나 용역
AISLE CARPET 회의장 통로에 설치되는 카페트
AISLE SIGNS 통로번호나 글자를 표시하는 팻말
AMPLIFIER 앰프, 음량증폭기
Announcer 아나운서
B/G(background music) 배경음악
BACK DROP 사진이나 TV 촬영을 위한 배경
BACK LIGHT 출연자나 대상물 뒤에서 비추는 조명
BACKWALL BOOTH(Perimeter booth) 외벽 면에 설치하는 부스
BADGE(Identifying tag, name tag) 명찰
BAFFLE 조명, 공기, 음향 또는 교통 흐름을통제하는 칸막이
BANJO(FABRIC) backdrops에 쓰이는 가벼운 천
BANNER 로고나 주제를 넣은 현수막이나 기
BARRIER-FREE 장애인의 자유로운 이동을 방해하는 설치물이 없는 건
BASE 세워놓은 기둥을 지지하는 강철 바닥
BONE YARD 전시장내 장비 보관지역
BOOTH AREA 전시자가 차지하는 부스영역
BOOTH NUMBER 전시자가 찾기 쉽도록 한 부스 번호
BRAINSTORMING 모든 참가자의 아이디어를 내놓는 회의
BUFFET SERVICE 각자가 음식이 마련된 곳에서 직접 음식을 가져와 즐김
BUNTING 벽이나 탁자에 거는 축제용 장식기
CANVAS 외부 현수막용 천
CARTAGE 전시물의 단거리 이동
CATWALK 조명이나 음향 장치를 매달기 위한 설치물
CEILING DECOR 전시장이나 컨벤션 홀의 천장장식
CLC Convention Liaison Council 국제회의 연락 협의체
CLEARANCE 전시 공간 정리
CAP Certified Meeting Professional
COLLOQUIUM 공동 선정 주제에 대한 비공식 참가회의
COMP complimentary (무료의)의 약어
CONGRESS BAG,DELEGATE BAG,CONFERENCE BAG 회의참가자에게 주는 가방으로 가방 안에 회의 자료 및 안내 책자가 들어 있다
CONSUMER SHOW 일반에게 공개되는 전시
CONTRACTOR 통역 및 물품조달 계약자
CORNER BOOTH 모퉁이의 전시공간
COUNT (1)일정기간의 전체 참가자 수 (2)일정기간의 전체 전시자 수
CUTOMS BROKER 세관 절차 처리 전문가
CUT&LAY 규격 부스나 통로 치수 이외의 카페트 설치
참가자의 숙박을 위해 상용되지 않을 호텔의 객실확보(BLOCK)상태를 해제하는 날로서 참가자 도착일 2~6주전에 실행한다.
DEAD AREAS 음향이 잘 들리지 않는 곳
DETAIL DRAWING 시공방법을 알리는 세부 도안
DIAGRAM 회의실내 구조를 나타내는 도형
DIALOGUE 아이디어나 견해를 조절하는 장치
DIMMER 조명의 세기를 조절하는 장치
DISCUSSION LEADER 토론의 안건 소개 및 회의를 진행하는 자
DISPATCHER 수화물 및 노동력 조달 계획 담당
DISPLAY BUILDER 전시 상품 진열 담당 회사
DISPLAY CASE(Showcase) 진열대
DOCENT 박물관이나 전시장 안내 요원
DRAYAGE 전시물을 도착지에서 전시장으로 이동
DRESS CODE 행사 참가자 복장 안내
DRY DUN 프로그램의 리허설
DUPLEX OUTLER 두 개 자리 전기 콘센트
DUVATYNE 테이블보용 천
ERECTION 전시 및 진역장 설치
EXHIBIT MANAGER (1)각 전시 부스 담당자 (2)전체 전시 공간 담당자
EXHIBIT PROSPECTUS 전시자 참여 독려를 위한 선전물
EXHIBITOR'S KIT 전시업체에게 주는 전시회의 규정 및 각종 정보 안내서
EXPOSITION 상품 및 용역의 전시
FACILITATOR 소규모 회의에서의 의사 결정 진행자
FACT SHEET 회의와 관련된 특정 시설에 대한 설명을 담은 자료
FIRST-TIER CITY 국제회의 일급도시(METROPOLIS이상 규모의 대도시)
FISHPOLE 질의 응담에 사용되는 마이크가 달린 홀더
FIXED COST 고정비용(회의 참가자 수와 관계없이 지출되어야 하는 비용)
FLIPCHART 도해 설명이 담긴 설명용 챠트로 한 장씩 뒤로 넘기며 설명을 보완하는 교보재 FLOATER 단기간 고용 근로자
FLOOR LOAD 일 평방 푸트당 최대 설치 무게
FOAM CORE 간판,장식,전시장 공사 등에 쓰이는 스치로폼 같은 경량 자재
FOLLOW SPOTLIGHT 수동으로 조명 대상을 따라 이동시키는 조명장치
FOUR HOUR CALL 노동자에게 임금을 제공하는 최소 근로시간
전방 하면 툿사;관중 속이나 뒤에서 전방을 향해 장면을 투사
FULL BOOTH COVERAGE 부스 전체에 설치하는 카페트
GAIN 음량의 크기 값
GENERAL CONTRACTOR 전시 매니저나 전시자에게 용역을 제공하는 회사
GIVEAWAY 무료책자, 견본, 경품 GRATUITY 봉사료, 팁
HAND TRUCK 소형 화물 운반용 손수레
HARDWALL BOOTH 합판이나 석고 보드 등으로 시공된 부스
HEADQUARTERS HOTEL 등록,총회 회의 운영 사무실 중앙본부
HEADSET 마이크가 장착된 헤드 폰 HERTZ(Hz) 일초에 한 사이클 값의 주파수 단위
HIGH JACKER 사람을 들어올리는 장비
HOLD HARMLESS 계약서의 책임 면책 조항
HOUSING BUREAU 컨벤션 뷰로내의 예약 사무실
HVAC Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning I&D(install and dismantle) 설치 및 철거
I.D. SIGN 부스 간판
IHO in Honor Of ILLUMINATIONS 대여용 또는 장착된 조명
INQUIRYCARDS 전시자를 위한 정보를 요구하는 카드
INSIDE BOOTH 벽면과 뒷면의 전시부스를 포함한 전시공간
INVENTORY 전시행사 준비를 위한 가구 및 집기류 재고
ISLAND BOOTH 전시장 중앙의 독립된 형태의 연결된 부스
KNOCK DOWN 전시현장에서 조립 설치하는 전시물
LIFT TRUCK(Forklift) 지게차
LIGHTING 추가 조명 서비스
LOCK-UP 보관 구역
MODULAR EXHIBIT 일부 부품의 교환이 가능한 전시물
MOVE-IN 설치를 위한 반입일
MOVE-OUT 철거 반출일
NO-SHOW 참가 예약을 해놓고 불참하는 자
OFF-SITE EVENT 회의/행사 장소 외부의 행사
OFFICIAL CONTRATOR(General contractor) 주 계약자
ONE SHOT 일회용 전시물
OT(overtime)LABOR 초과 근로
OUTSIDE LINE 외부 인출 전화선
O.H.P. 투명 필름을 투사하는 장치
P.A.SYSTEM 한 개 이상의 여러 공간에 동시에 음성을 전달하는 장치
PACKAGE PLAN 당일 참가비로 모든 서비스를 제공
PALLET 상품운반을 위한 나무로 된 단
PCMA Professional Convention Management Association
PCO Professional Convention (Conference) Organizer
PENINSULA BOOTH 두 개 이상의 부스를 연결해 3면을 활용하도록 한 것
PERIMETER BOOTH 외벽에 붙여 설치한 부스
PERT Program  Eval uation Review Techniques
PIPE AND DRAPE 독립된 전시 부스의 상.하수 배관
POCKET PLANNER 주머니 크기의 안내 책자
POINT-OF-PURCHASE 구매를 위한 상품 전시
PORTRAIT(VERTICAL) 세로 길이가 월등히 긴 팻말
POSTER BOARD 그래픽 등을 보여주기 위한 연질 판
PRESS(Media) KIT 보도 자료
PRESS ROOM(Media Center) 보도실
PROGRAM BOOK 프로그램 안내 책자
PROGRAM DESIGN 회의/행사 프로그램 구성
PROMOTION 회의/행사 홍보
PROPERTY 회의/행사 시설 일체
PROPOSAL 유자신청, 제안서
PUBLIC SHOW 입장료를 받는 전시
Q & A (Question and answer period) 질의 응답 시간
QUAD BOX 플러그 꽂이가 4개 짜리 콘센트
RACK RATE 객실별 공식가격
RAP SESSIONS 특별 안건이 없는 비공식 회의
RAPPORTEUR 회의/행사 평가자
RCMA Religious Conference Management Association
REG AREA Registration area 회의/행사 등록 장소
REG DESK Registration desk 회의/행사 등록 데스크
REISTRAR 등록 접수 담당
REGISTRATION KIT 등록시 배부하는 회의/행사 안내 자료
RELEASE FORMS 전시물 철거 허가서
RIGGER 무거운 자재 조립 전문가
ROOM SETUP 회의/행사장 장비 준비
ROVING MIKE 손에들고 다니도록 된 이동식 유.무선 마이크
SALES MEETING 신상품소개 및 판촉 회의
SCMP Society of Company Meeting Planners
SCOOTER 전기화물 운반 차
SCRIPT 프로그램 필사본
SEATED SERVICE 봉사자가 테이블로 음식을 직접제공
SEATING BUFFET 좌석에 앉아서 음식을 즐기는 방식
국제회의/행사 개최를 위한 위성도시 또는 지방 행정도시 국제회의 운영예산 규모에 따라 예산 절감을 위해 숙박료가 낮은 근교도시로의 국제회의 유치도 전략적으로 생각 해볼 일이다. SECURITY CAGES 전시자재 보호를 위한 보호망
SECURITY 보안,보안요원,폐쇄회로 일체
SELF-CONTAINED EXHIBIT 포장이나 보호 장비와 함께 전시되는 물품
SERVICE CONTRACTOR(General contractor) 주계약자
SETUP 회의/행사장 준비
SGMP Society of Goverment Meeting Planners.
SHELL SCHEME 유럽식 기준 부스
SHOW BREAKING 철거 시간을 위한 전시 파장 시간
SIGN CLOTH 현수막,팻말에 쓰이는 경량 자재
SIGN SERVICE 전시물 팻말 제작공급 서비스
SIGNAGE 회의/행사장 안내 표지
SITE INSPECTION 회의장 시설 답사,현장 조사
SKIRTING(Linen) 입 간판이나 탁자 장식용 보
SOUND SYSTEM 음량 증폭을 위한 음향 장치
SPACE RATE 전시공간 사용료
SPEAKERS' LOUNGE(Room) 연설자 전용 휴게실
SPEED BALL 팻말 작성에 쓰이는 펜
STAGING GUIDE 회의/행사 장비 설치 안내
STAND 전시 부스의 유럽식 표기
STADING BUFFET 좌석이 없이 서서 음식을 즐기는 방식
STRIKE 전시물 철거
SUPPLIER 회의/행사 비품 조달자
SURCHATGE 예상 지출비를 상회하는 비용
TABLE MICROPHONE 착석한 연사를 위해 고정시킨 마이크
TABLE TOP DISPLAY 탁자에 세울 수 있는 소형 이동 전시물
TAFFETA 탁자보 또는 칸막이 용 자재의 일종
TRANSFER 장비이동, 공항과 호텔간 교통 이동
VAPOR LIGHTS 특수 효과를 위한 조명
VARIABLE COST 변동비용(회의참가자수에 따라 변동되는 비용)
VENDOR 용역 제공자
VENUE 회의/행사 장소
WALK-IN/OUT MUSIC 내.외빈 입장.퇴장 음악
WALK-THROUGH 회의/행사 사항 검토,회의/행사장 사전 점검,현장점검
WORK LIGHTS 무대위에서의 리허설이나 작업을 위한 조명
WRAP-UP 회의 정리,최종 회의 보고서 작성


Thank you.(very much) Mr./Ms./Chairperson Mr. Chairman Madam Chairwoman Mr. Kim For your Kind introduction Gracious introduction Introduction

서두의 인사(Greeting and Signaling the Start)
Good morning
Good afternoon Good evening

Ladies and gentlemen

Gentlemen Everybody Everyone

I’d like to introduce myself Let me introduce myself I’m Hiroshi Tanaka My name is Bill Smith (and)I’m from /with XYZ Co., LTD Of XYZ Co., Ltd.

환영의 말(Welcome)
I’m honored I’m pleased To be here To give this presentation To have opportunity to speak with you To day To night Thank you For coming here For attending the meeting This morning I’d like to welcome Everyone You all This evening

배경설명(Setting the Scene)
To be concise To put it briefly To put it simply In short In a sentence In a nutshell Sales and profits are down

프리젠테이션 목적(Expressing purpose)
I’m here today My purpose today is Today, I want My objective tonight is My main aim this morning is My goal this afternoon is To help you get started

로드 맵(Road Map)
First(ly) To begin with To start with Initially I’d like to look at past performance. I want to analyze current sales. I’m going to present some options. I shall be recommending a new strategy.
Second(ly) Then Next Third(ly) After this(that) Finally Last(ly)

주제로 들어감(Introducing Topics)
(To begin) (Now) (Next) (Finally)
I’d like to I want to I’m going to I shall Review Discuss Analyze Present This year’s sales. The data
I shall be I’m going to be Considering Looking at
Let me begin by Let me move on by I’d like to go on by Going over
Recommending possible solution

의견 발표(Expressing opinions)
We believe We think It is our view My opinion is I would say It seems to us We feel We tend to feel It is considered opinion (that) Your prices are too high.

발표 진행, 되돌아 보기(Moving on and Looking back)
Let’s now move on to I(now)want to go on to I’d(now)like to go on to This brings me to This brings us up to The financial aspects of the problem.
The losses were due to the strike But I shall come to this later.
Let’s look back for a moment to Let’s go back to I’d like to return to My first diagram
As I said before As stated before As stated previously The situation is serious.

삭제와 승인(Elimination Alternatives)
Disapproval We rule out We have decided against We reject Options A Because of the marginal Saving it would give us.
Approval We accept We have chosen We have selected We have decided to adopt Options B Because of the clear benefits It would give us.

권유(Making Recommendations)
We recommend We would recommend We urge An increase in This year’s dividend
We think you should You ought to It is recommended you Increase

주제이외의 이야기(Digressing)
Let me digress here Let me digress here For a moments. Briefly.
I’d just like to mention in passing That demand is rising in other areas.
In passing an another matter one could say it could be said
Let me get back to Let me return to My main point. What I was saying.

판단의 근거(Justifying Decisions)
Because of Owing to Since there is As a result of Due to A rise in demand We have increased output
Demand is up For this reason We have increased output
We have increased output The reason for this is A rise in demand.
We have increase output Because of

비쥬얼의 선택(Choosing Visuals)
I’d like you to look at Please look at Have a look at Let me show you This diagram This graph This bar chart This pie chart This matrix This table This figure This map This model You can see.. You will notice..
In If you look at This model

비주얼 보는 법의 제시(Naming Parts of Visuals)
The vertical axis The horizontal axis The curve The solid line The broken line The dotted line Shows Indicates Represents Stands for Sales Temperature Unit cost
The shaded The unshaded The dotted Area Section Quadrant

비주얼 의 설명(Explaining Visuals)
Sales Prices Profits Moved erratically Fluctuated Rose slightly Fell gradually Declined gently Move up steadily Recovered sharply Dropped suddenly Plunged quickly Increased rapidly Fell dramatically Reached a peak In June In the final quarries of last Year In 1994
After this Following this Profit leveled off. Sales flattened out.
At the beginning of In the middle of At the end of In the first quarter of This year Last year 1994
Since then Since the last quarter Sales have flattened out.

요약(Summing up)
To sum up then To summarize Let me now sum up Let me now just recap We must reduce our production costs and become move market-oriented. We should increase R&D. and introduce new products.

결론 (Concluding)
I’d like to conclude Let me and I’d like to finish In conclusion Finally By saying(that) By reminding you(that) May I remind you(that) I’d like to say Time is short and action is necessary. We need to take some kind of action soon. It’s necessary to do something about this now

질의 응답(Closing the presentation/Organizing the Q’s & A’s session)
Thank you very much For your attention
Now I’ll take any questions. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You no doubt have many questions I’m sure you have many questions.
Any more questions ladies and gentlemen? Are there any(more) questions, ladies and gentlemen?

질문을 받았을 때(Signaling an answer)
That’s an interesting question It’s a good question If I understood you correctly you asked Your question was That’s a good point

질문의 의도(Clarifying a question)
Do you mean By that, did you mean What do you mean exactly by Let me see if I understood the intent of you question Let me see if I understood correctly Would you rephrase the question please? I’m sorry, could you repeat that? I’m sorry, could you rephrase that?

단락 짓기(Breaking off)
OK We can discuss this later.
In a nutshell
I really don’t think it’s for me to comment.
I’m not in a position to say.

Perhaps we should close here.
Unless there are any more questions.
Perhaps on that note we should end.
At this point. I think we should conclude this meeting.
Thank you Very much (for your attention).

① PCO: professional convention organizer

② Meeting Planner(회의 기획자): The individual who has the prime
responsibility for planning and conducting the meeting and conference and directing all activities toward the successful
operation of the meeting. A successful planner must have excellent oral and written communication skills to work effectively with
the poeple and organizations required to produce a meeting.

③ Meeting Sponsor(회의 후원자): Corporations and associations represent the two major meeting sponsors. Educational institutions, fraternal organizations, labor unions, political parties, religious groups and others also hold meetings, conventions and trade shows.

A. 등록

(1) 용어정리

(ex) * pre-registration: 사전등록
* on-site registration: 현장등록
* confirmed registration: 확인 등록
* registration desk: 등록 데스크

(2) 서술적표현

(ex) * to register for the meeting
* to have pre-registrated
* Pre-registration is effective
* be the registration located

(3) 문장표현

① 등록데스크 위치를 묻는 표현

(ex) * Could you please tell me where the meeting registration desk is located?

* I beg your pardon. Is the meeting registration desk located near here?

* Could you please direct me to the meeting registration desk?

② 등록데스크에서의 확인

(ex) * Is this the registration desk for ABC meeting?

* Do I register here for the ABC meeting?

* I wish to register for the ABC meeting.
My name is Dr. mozart.

* My name is Dr. A. I would like to register for the ABC meeting.

③ 강연자(speaker) 등록데스크 위치 문의

(ex) * Hello, I am Dr. A. I am giving a paper tomorrow.

* I am one of the speakers.

* Pardon me, but could you tell me where the speaker
registration desk is located?

④ 기타 문의

(ex) * Can you tell me with whom I may speak about audio-visual services?

* Can you tell me at what time I am scheduled to give my presentation?

* Can you tell me in what room I will be giving my presentation?

* Do you want a copy of my presentation?

* The title of my presentaion is ∼

⑤ 일정변경의 신청

(ex) * Although I have pre-registerd, is it possible to change my schedule?

* I would like to cancel the luncheon meeting on Tuesday.

* I would like to add the Wednesday morning roundtable.

⑥ 각종 행사의 참가 신청

(ex) * I beg your pardon, but is this where I can obtain information about the society meeting?

* I would like to meet the registrater for the tour of the university research center.

* Could you tell me where I register for social events?

* I would like to register for the special evening discussion group.
* Can you give me a map of the city and information about local sightseeing and recommended restaurants?

* Yes, I would like information concerning social events for myself as well as for my wife.

* Excuse me, but can you tell me where the message board is located?

* Could you tell me how I can locate a colleague who is attending the meeting?

B. 등록비 및 지불방법에 관한 표현

(1) 용어정리

(ex) * bank draft: 수표입금
* bank transfer: 송금
* on-site registration fee: 현장 등록비
* the remittance statement: 송금영수증
* bank service charge: 송금수수료
* receipt of payment: 등록금 영수증

(2) 서술적 표현

(ex) * to send (have enclosed) bank draft
payable to the ABC
* be payable to ABC enclosed
* to remit (have remitted) the registration
* to pay the on-SITE registration fee
* to attach a copy of the remittance srtatement
* be paid by ∼

(3) 문장표현

(ex) * I will send/have enclosed a bank draft payable to the ABC.

* Bank Draft payable to ABC enclosed.

* An official copy of Bank Transfer Order enclosed.

* I will pay the on-SITE registration fee at the Congress.

* I will remit/have remitted the regestration fee on
(date)______ by Bank Transfer through my bank ______to:

* Pre-registration is effective only when this form is returned after completion with appropriate payment to ABC before November 30, 2002.

* Please attach a copy of the remittance statement which you receive from your bank to this form.

* All bank service charges must be paid by applicants.

* All bank service charges caused during the payment of the registration fee must be paid by the applicants.

* I will pay by traveler's check.

* I will pay by credit card.

* I have pre-paid the registration fees.

C. 등록양식에 관한 표현

(1) 용어정리

(ex) * secritariat: 사무국
* participant list: 참가자 리스트
* applicant: 등록자
* affiliation: 가입
* member/non-member: 정규회원/ 비정규회원
* accompanying person: 동반자

(2) 서술적 표현

(ex) * to fill out the registration form
* to fill-up the section below
* to print out the following form
* be one's completed registration form
* to indicate below ∼
* to return this form to ∼
* to require with registration form
* be confirmed upon ∼

(3) 문장표현

(ex) * I have filled out the registration form.

* Please attach your business card here, or fill-up the section

* Please print out the following form.

* Here is my completed registration form.

* Please indicate below the excursion you wish to take part in.

* The address you write on this form will be used for the Participants List.

* Your registration will only be confirmed upon full receipt of payment.

* Complete this form and forward it with your payment to ∼.

* Please return this form to ∼.

D. HOTEL에 관한 표현

(1) 용어정리

① 호텔유형

(ex) * downtown hotel: 도심지 호텔
* tourist hotel: 관광 호텔
* airport hotel: 공항 호텔
* resort(summer resort/winter resort)
hotel: 휴양지 호텔
* spa hotel: 온천 호텔
* youth hostel: 청소년 간이 숙박소
* motel: 자동차 여행자 호텔
* super deluxe/deluxe/first/second hotel:

등급별에 따른 호텔


② 객실유형

(ex) * adjoining room: 인접된(연결된) 객실
* connecting room: 인접된 객실로 2개의 객실이 하나로 연결될 수
있는 객실
* cabana: 호텔 주 건물에서 떨어진 객실
* double room: 2인용 침대가 있는 객실
* duplex: 2층침대가 있는 객실
* function room: 행사장
* hospitality: 칵테일 파티 등 엔터테인먼트가 있는 객실
* junior suite: 침실과 거실이 떨어진 큰 객실
* lanai: 경관을 볼 수 있는 객실
* parlor: 침실로 사용하지 않는 객실
* single: 1인용 객실
* suite: 하나 이상의 침실이 있는 큰 객실
* twin: 1인용 침대가 2개있는 2인용 객실
* vacant room: 빈 객실
* front room: 정문쪽 방
* room with bath: 욕실이 딸린 객실
* room with running water: 세면대가 딸린 객실
* room on the third floor: 3층에 있는 객실
* room waiter

: 내실당번

③ 호텔 관련 용어

(ex) * front desk: 호텔 접수대
* reception desk: 접수계
* information desk: 안내계
* room information: 객실 안내계
* banquet hall: 연회실
* overnight stay: 1박
* hotel register: 숙박부

(2) 서술적 표현

(ex) * to have a room available
* to have a vacancy
* to put up a vacancy at ∼
* to get(have) a single room
* to make reservation
* to confirm one's reservation
* to hold a reservation
* to take a room
* to stay here

(3) 문장표현

① 투숙여부를 묻는 표현

(ex) * Can I have a room, please?

* Do you have a room available?

* Do you have a vacancy?

* Can I put up a vacancy at your hotel?

② 예약할 때 쓰는 표현

(ex) * We would like to reserve a single room.

* I'd like to get (have) a single room.
* I made a reservation in Seoul.

* I 'd like to confirm my reservation.

* What reservation are you holding?

③ 투숙에 관한 표현

(ex) * I'll take the room(it).

* How long do you plan to stay here?

* How many nights will you stay?

(4) 대화표현

ex) * Clerk: Good afternoon, Reservation Desk, Miss Hong speaking.
Guest: This is Victory Company, Pusan office. We would like to
reserve a double room.
C. : I see. How many nights will you stay?
G. : I will stay from May the 12th through the 14th.
C. : Then, you will leave the hotel on May the 14th?
G. : No, I will check out on May the 15th.
C. : Then, three nights, four days.
What kind of a room would you like, sir?
G. : For one couple and a secretary.
So we need a double room and a single with bath.

(ex) * G. : Hello. I want a room, please.
C. : What kind of a room would you like?
G. : I'd like a twin room with a nice view.
C. : All right, sir. We have one good room vacant on the second floor.
How long will you be staying here?
G. : Three nights.
C. : Right this way. Well, here we are. This is your room.

(ex) * C. : Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
G. : Sure. I made a reservation in Seoul. My name is Hae-Kyong Yoo.
C. : Right. Will you filll in this registration form, please?
G. : Here you are.
C. : Fine. You are in room 1112. Here is your key.
G. : O.K. Thank you for your help.

E. 공항에 관한 표현

(1) 신원확인 및 자기소개

(ex) * I am afraid you are Mr. Mos from Austria?

* I am Mr. Han of Korea Tourism Corporation. And I am here to meet you on behalf of Mr. Lee, my assistant director.

(2) 일행(동행)확인

(ex) * Where are the other members of your group?

(3) 호텔안내

(ex) * Shall we leave and take the minibus? Come this way please.

* It will take about 30 minutes to the hotel by this bus.

* The hotel is not far from the airport.

* The airport is about 5 miles away from downtown.

F. 관광에 관한 표현

(ex) * I would like to go on a sightseeing tour of Seoul.

* You will be able to visit to Folk Village.

* pre-conference tours: 회의 시작 이전 관광
* mid-conference tours: 회의 기간 도중 관광
* post-conference tours: 회의 종료 후 관광
* package tours: 패키지 관광

G. 안내문에 관한 표현

(1) 행사변경 안내문

(ex) * We had planned for you to visit Panmunjom. However, due to certain necessities, we had to cancel the Panmunjom portion of that planned trip.

(2) 행사장 자리배치

(ex) * Your seat has been reserved on the center area of the second floor.

* Your seat has not been reserved. Please follow the direction of the information.

* For safety reasons, metal objects should not be carried inside.

(3) 관광안내문

(ex) * We have selected five tours of sightseeing that we would like to introduce to you.

* We would like to see and feel the natural beauty of Korea.

* The cost of these is a personal expense and is not covered by the $100.00 conference registration fee.

* Extra personal payment for tours.

* Full payment inadvance is to be made in Colombo before taking tours.

* All Pre-Conference Tours will start from Colombo. Some Post-Conference Tours will start from workshop sites, depending on demand.

(4) 귀국항공편 안내문

(ex) * To help delegates for your departure schedule, we are operating an information desk at the main lobby of the hotel or head office.

* If you will require flight booking, reconfirmation and rerouting for your continued travel, please be sure to complete the form and return it to the information desk not later than july 25, 2002.

(5) 동시통역 헤드폰 사용안내

(ex) * The headphone set is provided for you so that you may receive a simultaneous translation of each program.

* Please leave this headphone set here after the program is over.

* The various languages may be received as follows:

(6) 외신기자를 위한 안내문

(ex) * Representatives assigned to the Congress are requested to wear the press badge issued by the Ministry of DEF in addition to carrying their regular press cards.

* As many be seen in the attached plan No. 2, places are reserved for you on the 2nd floor.

* We request your understanding of the fact that seats for correspondents are limited to 15.

H. PCO와 Hotel 지배인측과의 대화의 예

Dickson: ... so American Hotel & Restaurant Conference would be from the third to the fifth of August with around 450 participants. Do you have the facilities for that number of people on those dates?
Manager: Yes, these dates would be suitable. We have a National Tooling & Machining Conference finishing on the 28th of July, and a
Dentists' Conference starting on the 11th of August, so we can fit you in very well. As regards the facilities, perhaps I can give you a brief idea of what we can offer.

Dickson: Yes please, if you can give me some idea.

Manager: Basically, we have a multi-purpose conference centre with seating for over 700 delegates. That's including the seating in
the auditorium. Our main auditorium seats 500 people.

Dickson: So, it could hold all our delegates if we had a full session of the conference?

Manager: Certainly. But we also have two fairy large conference rooms, each with an area of fifty five square meters, which can be
used for lectures if necessary. The conference rooms have a seating capacity of about 110 each.

Dickson: I see.

Manager: We have sound-proof folding doors between the conference rooms. These can be opened up to form a single extra large room.
So you could have an extra seating capacity of about 220.

Dickson: Great. That could be a useful feature. What about a technical side? How about audio-visual facilities? At our last conference we had problem with the equipment.

Manager: The auditorium has a built-in audiovisual equipment. We've found it performs extremely well.

Dickson: That sounds good. We might have a large group of students from Florida International University coming to hear a famous
visiting speaker. Can you link the auditorium with the other rooms?

Manager: Of course, we can provide a closed circuit television link-up from the auditorium to the conference halls.

Dickson: Very good. We also may have several participants from Far East Asia including Korea this year. Is there an equipment for translation?

Manager: Yes, there is. Our main auditorium has full simultaneous translation
equipments. And you'll find that bo