전자상거래(E C)

Marketing Automation

forever1 2007. 10. 11. 11:31
  Marketing Automation

Sage CRM provides powerful tools for your marketing team to plan, execute and audit highly targeted marketing campaigns. Easy-to-use, Sage CRM provides marketing users with the tools to target the right customer at the right time, eliminating guesswork and optimising marketing resources.  With Sage CRM, users have the ability to assign and analyse marketing activities efficiently and easily. This is particularly important for SMB organisations with limited marketing resource, where the need to reduce cost-per-lead is a key objective.


1.1.A                 Campaign Management

Sage CRM Marketing empowers users to view activities, objectives, leads and follow-ups, as well as providing them with drill-down into to specific activities such as communications, opportunities, responses, budget, costs and prospects. This enables your marketing staff to manage and track every element of every marketing campaign.


1.1.B                 Segmentation and Groups           

Customer data and prospect lists can be fully segmented according to specific criteria, enabling marketing communications to be delivered to highly targeted audiences. Marketing lists can also be exported to Microsoft Excel.


1.1.C                 Outbound Call Management

Target marketing lists can be allocated and scheduled for follow-up calls through Sage CRM. Sage CRM schedules calls for your telemarketers and triggers follow-up actions dependent on call outcome. The details of the calls, such as length and outcome, are captured for reporting and audit purposes. Call lists can be allocated against specific individuals or a group and can be scheduled dynamically in the case of a group. Dynamic scheduling is particularly suitable for occasions when calling must be carried out during a specific timeframe. Calls are automatically routed to all available agents and scheduling is not dependent of the availability of individual agents. Additionally, Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) delivers advanced call automation and recognition tools. This provides telemarketers with the tools necessary for effective and efficient campaign execution.


1.1.D                 Email Management

Sage CRM Marketing facilitates mass email; allowing your users create email templates, send HTML and attachments and store communications for each campaign. This provides a high degree of automation around campaign execution and a full audit trail on customer or prospect communications


1.1.E                  Campaign Reporting

Sage CRM enables your marketing manager to track the success of individual or ongoing campaigns in real-time. This can be at any stage in the campaign, from initial lead to sales close. Sales revenue can be tracked against the opportunities generated by a campaign, providing immediate return-on-marketing-investment analysis.


1.1.F                  Lead Management

Leads can be qualified against specific criteria and tracked at each stage in the process. Leads can be automatically assigned to the most appropriate member of your sales teams based on criteria such as territory, product or industry. Sage CRM’s workflow automation capability is a particularly powerful addition to lead management. Workflow management can be used to progress a lead through the entire pre-pipeline process, from capture through to qualification, and then onto the sales-cycle. Leads are visible to sales management and other members of your sales team where appropriate, ensuring that every lead is followed up and progressed to maximum effect.


1.1.G                 List Creation and Management

Multiple criteria may be selected for list definition. It is also possible to merge documents with target lists for mass mailings. Responses to campaigns automatically generate downstream follow-up lists for the next wave of the campaign with successful responses moved to sales and non-responses kept on a reminder list or removed if requested. This captures marketing lists for future reference and provides the option to reuse successful campaign lists or import mail house lists. This also creates detailed profiles of your customers and prospects over the course of the relationship. This information can be stored, reported and segmented for future campaigns.


1.1.H                 Campaign Evaluation Tools

Marketing campaigns can be analysed by lead source. Campaign metrics can be analysed through sophisticated, user-friendly tools and reports. Sage CRM not only tracks response rates, it also facilitates the matching of sales revenues to specific campaigns. This enables the status of your campaigns to be viewed in real-time to evaluate ongoing return on investment, providing immediate cost versus sales analysis data.

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